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Hump Day Ride

  • June 05, 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • Criterium Bicycles 6150 Corporate Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80919


Registration is closed

What day is it?.... Hump Day

Join us for a group ride from Criterium Bicycles each Wednesday.  Arrive around 5:50 pm to depart the shop just a little after 6 pm.  The route will change each week but you can plan on 1 to 2 hours of riding.  It's a no-drop ride but be prepared for some climbing.  From the shop, most of the routes (but not all) involve some elevation gain.  It is a no-drop ride and we try to have a designated lead and sweep rider on each event.

Any non-member of SoCoVelo must sign a paper waiver at least once per calendar year to participate in any riding event.  Waivers will be available at the bike shop to sign before each ride.

Our group practices safe riding by communicating with each other along the ride and following the rules of the road.

Are you a club member and can help lead or sweep, click here to sign up

Questions?: humpday@socovelo.com

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